Patch Version 1.2.44 : Add kunena 1.6 definition and partial compatibilty with joomla 1.6 beta10
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Kunena 1.6 renames its tables names. The new patch defined the new "#__kunena%" tables name as synonym of the old "#__fb%" table names.
If you want to install Kunena 1.6, this patches definition is required.

  • Add JMS Tools (install) definitions for :
    - AceSEF plugin,
    - Categories module,
    - Joomdle,
    - JoomFish SEF,
    - Kunena 1.6,
    - Scheduler
  • Add Joomla 1.5 sharing definition for:
    - Kunena 1.6,
    - Scheduler
  • Add Joomla 1.6 sharing definition for:
    - Kunena 1.6
Mise à jour le Jeudi, 23 Septembre 2010 16:28