How to test the Hosting Domain configuration
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Joomla Multi Sites (Version 1.0.x and also Version 1.1.x when Symbolic Links is not available) requires that ALL the domains and sub-domains SHARE the same directory (The Joomla Installation - Files and Folders).

The procedure below describes how to check if the Domain Hosting is correctly configured for each of the domains that you want that Joomla Multi Sites manage.

This procedure does NOT require Joomla Multi Sites and can be tested totally independently without anything else than the "hello world" files that you can be download here.

The objective is to install a "hello word" file into the directory of your master domain and check if you can see also this files from the domain that will be used as slave domain.

The file contain:

  • hello.txt : This file contain "Hello world";
  • hello.php : This file is a php script that:
    • display the text "Hello world script";
    • display the current path where it is installed
    • test if the Symbolic Links are available on your environment
      This last point is important when your different domains are located and defined into separated directories.
      In this case, the Symbolic Links could be (conditional) used to create a bridge between the master directory and the slave directory. Perhaps you will encounter permission problem to create the bridge between the master and slave directory.
    • When the slave sites is located into another directory than the master website AND the Symbolic Links is present then this script also allow you to test the creation of the bridge between the Slave Site and the Master Website.
      This allows you to verify if the Joomla Multi Site Symbolic Link feature present in the version 1.1.x can be used.

If you want to see a sample of results of those scripts and therefore the expected results here are some links that you can use.
Master website URL:

Slave website URL

Notice the both Master and Slave websites display exactly the same "The current path is".
This is because the Domain hosting share the SAME path (share the same joomla installation - share the same files and folders)

"Hello world" Installation and test procedure

  • Unzip the file into the root of domain you will consider as it will be your master websites.
  • Enter the URL
    You should see the "Hello world" text displayed.
    • If you see the "Hello world" text, you can repeat the operation with the script "hello.php"
      This script will display "Hello world script" and additinoal information such as the path where it is installed and if the Symbolic Links are available
  • Now that you know the the"hello" files are correctly installed on the master website, you can check the slave site domain hosting configuration
  • If the "hello.php" display that "Symbolic Links IS NOT OK", this means that is mandatory to map all the slave sites into the same path than the master website. The path is the one displayed by "hello.php" script.
  • If the "hello.php" display that "Symbolic Links is PRESENT", this means that it should be possible to have the slave sites deployed into an external directory. Perhaps you will encounter later problem with permission.

Test that slave sites are mapped in the same directory than the master website

The objectif is to check that you can see the "hello.txt" file from the other slave domain.
To help you, the "hello.php" script display the path that must be used when you setup the slave domain into your Domain Hosting tools.

You can have different scenario:

Case of another domain than the master domain

He this is the case of "" and "".
In this case, it is necessary to ensure that both domain (slave and master) use the same full path.

GoDaddy - Domain and Sub-domain setting with the same folder path

This is a summary of the steps to configure GoDaddy:

  • Login to the "Hosting Management" -> "My Hosting Account"
  • Manage the Hosting: Select "My Products" menu, option "Hosting"and in "Control Panel" click on the link "Manage Account"
  • Go in the "Domain Management".
    - Open the "Setting" panel;
    - Click on icon "Domain Management" to display the list of domain that are currently attached to your account.
  • Clik on button "Add Domain" (top right)
  • Enter your "domain name" and specify its "folder".
    For Joomla Mulii Sites, put here the same folder than the one used by your master domain.

 See also Godaddy Configuration here.

CPanel  - Same path using AddOn Domain

When using CPanel, this can be achieved with AddOn domain where you can specify the path that must be used by the domain. Becarefull if you are using different CPanel account. In this case, it is probable that path will be different as they will be relative to each account. You probably will have to consider using Symbolic Links to create a link between the different accounts.
In summary:

  • Go in CPanel and select AddOn domain
  • Once in the AddOn Domains, then you will see an interface similar to this:
    Create an AddOn domain
    • New domain: the “slave site” name
    • Document Root: This is the root where the Master Site with the installed component is installed.
      This is also the path that is displayed by JMS after it has created the slave site (see the message in blue in the top)

See also CPanel Configuration here. For screen shot provided by one of our customer: click here

When you have configured your CPanel, you can test the "hello.txt" file and "hello.php" scripts.

If you have an "page not found" when you enter your the URL with the slave domain, this probably means that the path is not the identical to the master domain.
If you have in the "hello.php" result the text "Symbolic Link is PRESENT" then it is posible that you could use symbolic links to create the bridge between the master website and the slave sites. In this case you will have to use the "deployment directory" feature available in Joomla Multi Sites. This will only work if you have the permission to create such links.

The "Hello World Script" alllows you to test if the Symbolic Link solution can work in this case.
When you are on the master website, it gives you the possibility to enter the path of your slave site in aim to create a Symbolic Link in this directory. The Symbolic Link created is "master_link".
With this Symbolic Link created into the Slave Site, you can test if it is possible to see the master website from the slave site.

Plesk - Create an alias domain on the master domain
When using Plesk tool to configure the Hosting Domains, this can be achieved in defining domain alias on the master domain.
When you define an alias, this automatically use the same path than your master domain as it is defined as a synonym (an alias).
The procedure conisists in:

  • Login into Plesk
  • Click on Domain
  • Click on the master domain to manage it
  • Click on "alias domain" to create alias on the master domain
  • Create entries for the slaves domain.

To have a more detailled description of this procedure and screen shot, see How to configure Plesk alias domain.

Case of sub-domains using the same domain than the master domain

He this is the case of "".
In this case, you can generally defined the sub-domain (slave1) as a Hosting Domain alias of your (
When you define an alias, this automatically use the same path than your master domain as it is defined as a synonym (an alias).


Mise à jour le Vendredi, 28 Novembre 2008 11:59